Scroll down for Stockholm Tour and Euro Tour.
Lapland Tour
The trip to Lapland, for long-term inbound students, takes place annually at the turn of the month in November-December. The trip lasts 4-5 days, including bus travel time. Depending on snow conditions there will be cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, snowboarding and snowshoe walking. We ́ll meet huskies and reindeers, and get to ride them also, depending on snow conditions. We will also visit the Santa Claus Village on our way back. The trip is an optional part of the youth exchange program and the students pay the cost themselves.
Lapland Tour 2025
- Dates to be announced in autumn 2025
- Documents and Forms
- Tour letter to students, host families, and host club YEOs
- Host club recommendation form
- Tour program
- Packing guide
- Bus routes and timetables to Lapland
- Bus routes and timetables from Lapland
Contact information during the Tour
The Tour is organized by the Finnish-Estonian Multidistrict organization.

Stockholm Tour
Stockholm Tour is made in the Spring as a ferry trip from Finland to Swedish capital Stockholm, sight-seeing there and another ferry trip back home to Finland. You will have an extraordinary opportunity to see beautiful Stockholm and visit interesting places there – and of course in the best possible company, with your inbound mates. The price of the tour consists of transportation by ferries, hotel accommodations and entrance fees to attractions we’ll be visiting.
This is an optional event and the students attending the Stockholm Tour are required to pay the cost themselves.
Stockholm Tour 2025
- Time:
10. – 13.4.2025 - Note ! Stockholm Tour 2025 is cancelled.
- Documents and Forms
- Student letter
- Payment instructions
- Travel program
- Host club recommendation (computer fillable pdf, YE Officer: store it in your computer before filling)
The Tour is organized by the Finnish-Estonian Multidistrict organization.
More information on the Stockholm Tour from our Tour leaders.

Euro Tour
Long-term inbound students staying in Finland or Estonia are welcome to join the EuroTour in June. You will have an extraordinary opportunity to travel through the Baltic countries and Central Europe and visit interesting cities and places – and of course in the best possible company, with your inbound mates. During the trip we’ll visit several countries. We’ll have nice buses and good hotels. The price of the tour consists of transportation by buses and ferries, hotel accommodations and entrance fees to attractions we’ll be visiting during the tour, and the return flight to Helsinki.
This is an optional event and the students attending the EuroTour are required to pay the cost themselves.
EuroTour 2025
- Time: 2. – 17.6.2025
- Documents and Forms
- Student letter
- Host club recommendation (computer fillable pdf, YE Officer: store it in your computer before filling)
- Payment instructions
- Tour program
- Travel instructions
- Video that gives a summary of the 2023 tour. Note that the video is silent, no sounds.
The Tour is organized by the Finnish-Estonian Multidistrict organization.
EuroTour 2024 – Tour Leader’s Experiences (in Finnish)
See EuroTour 2023 stories and pictures in Instagram #finnisheurotour23.
Read about Felicity’s experiences from the EuroTour 2018 here.